Vitalik Buterin Postdoctoral Fellowship in AI Existential Safety

Closing Date: 02/01/2024

Funding is available for postdoctoral researchers around the world who are planning to undertake work in the field of AI existential safety research.

The Future of Life Institute is a non-profit organisation that funds research in management and prevention of catastrophic events resulting from transformative technologies such as AI, biotechnology and nuclear technology.

The Vitalik Buterin Postdoctoral Fellowship programme aims to support postdoctoral researchers to undertake AI existential safety research by providing research funding for three years. In addition, the programme provides workshops and networking opportunities for fellows to encourage interaction with other researchers in the field, appointed fellows are expected to participate.

The Institute is looking for novel research projects that address:

  • The most probable ways AI technology could cause existential catastrophes.
  • Which types of research could minimise existential risk.
  • Assisting humanity in reducing the existential risk posed by highly impactful AI technology to extremely low levels.
Funding body Future of Life Institute
Maximum value 90,000 USD
Reference ID S25625
Category Science and Technology
Fund or call Fund