UK-Italy Trustworthy AI Visiting Researcher Programme
Closing Date: 30/09/2023
Programme for UK-based data science and artificial intelligence researchers to visit Italian research organisations with the aim of developing projects in trustworthy AI.
Founded in 2015 as a registered charity, the Alan Turing Institute is the national institute for data science and artificial intelligence (AI), and has its headquarters at the British Library in London.
The Institute’s UK-Italy Trustworthy AI Visiting Researcher Programme enables UK-based researchers in data science and AI to apply for short-stay research visits to Italian research organisations. The purpose of the visits will be to enable the development of bilateral and multilateral projects in trustworthy AI, and to ensure future collaborations between the two scientific communities.
This joint scheme in collaboration with the Italian Future AI Research Foundation (FAIR) will support travel and accommodation for UK researchers to spend two weeks at an Italian university or research centre to discuss issues around trustworthy AI.
Proposals are particularly invited that relate trustworthy AI to the Turing Institute’s new strategy and its three grand challenges in the defence and security, environment and sustainability, and healthcare domains. However, proposals that expect to lead to larger funding applications and which reflect a substantial existing or future collaborative research partnership will also be prioritised.
Researchers involved in the programme may be invited to participate in a final workshop to present on new lines of work and cooperation which stemmed from the exchanges and inform policymakers about the main issues which will impact AI regulation.
Funding body | Alan Turing Institute |
Maximum value | £4,500 |
Reference ID | S25582 |
Category | Science and Technology |
Fund or call | Fund |