TYAC/CCLG Palliative and End of Life Care Research Grants

Closing Date: 25/10/2023

Grants for projects which aim to improve palliative and/or end of life care for teenagers and young adults (aged 13-25) with cancer.

The Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) is a leading support charity for children and young people with cancer and the professional association for those involved in the treatment and care of children with cancer in the UK and Ireland. CCLG is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and provides a range of funding from its own resources, partner charities and named funds to support research in identified areas of need.

CCLG is administering a grant on behalf of its Teenagers and Young Adults With Cancer (TYAC) group, to support research which aims to improve palliative and/or end of life care for teenagers and young adults (aged 13-25) with cancer.

Palliative and end of life care were key themes identified in the Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Priority Setting Partnership (TYA PSP) (2018), however there are few funding opportunities for palliative and end of life care for teenagers and young adults.

Grants of up to £100,000 are available to researchers based at universities, NHS hospitals and research institutes in the UK for defined research projects which align with the TYAC research strategy and address one of more of the priorities set in the TYA PSP.

The TYAC research strategy is to:

  • Define and establish a comprehensive research strategy and portfolio.
  • Identify and fund research gaps to ensure the whole cancer experience is taken into account.
  • Strengthen national and international collaborations and partnerships within the cancer research community to drive improvements.
  • Encourage new types of partnerships and collaborative working to support the development of innovative ideas and novel approaches for TYA research.
  • Ensure patient involvement and experience is at the heart of our research.
  • Develop the next generation of TYA cancer researchers.

Proposed projects should address one or more of the priorities/further questions identified as priorities by the TYA PSP, which include:

  • What are the best ways of supporting a young person who has incurable cancer?
  • What are the most effective strategies to ensure that young people who are treated outside of a young person’s Principal Treatment Centre receive appropriate practical and emotional support (with respect to palliative/end of life care for this grant round)?
  • How can parents/carers/siblings/partners be best supported following the death of a young person with cancer?
  • What are the factors that should determine stopping treatment when the young person cannot be cured?
  • For young people with incurable cancer, what methods, techniques or strategies for communication can help them to talk with their family and friends about their situation?
  • For young people with incurable cancer, how should healthcare professionals communicate with them to improve quality of life and patient experience?
  • For young people with incurable cancer, how should patients/carers communicate with them to improve quality of life and experience?
  • What are the support needs of the family following the death of a young person with cancer?

All areas of research related to palliative and end of life care for young people with cancer will be considered.

Project grants may support stand-alone projects, research that is part of a wider project or trial, or research that is likely to lead to a further, larger grant application.

Funding body Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG)
Maximum value £100,000
Reference ID S25570
Category Medical Research
Fund or call Fund