Research to Support COVID-19 Response in Humanitarian Settings
Launched in 2009, Enhancing Learning & Research for Humanitarian Assistance (elrha) is a collaborative network dedicated to supporting partnerships between higher education institutions and humanitarian organisations, in order to share knowledge and conduct scientific research into the risks posed by environmental disasters.
This COVID-19 call aims to fund public health research that will produce robust findings, which will contribute to the effectiveness of the current humanitarian response and increase the evidence base for future responses to similar infectious disease outbreaks. It focuses on identified priorities related to the current COVID-19 outbreak in humanitarian settings in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Proposals will be eligible for research that targets:
Refugees or IDPs in camps or urban humanitarian settings, or conflict-affected people in humanitarian settings in LMICs (identified according to the DAC list of ODA recipients).
Health systems and health care workers supporting the COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings in LMICs.
Proposals addressing any of the topics below will be eligible:
Innovative solutions.
Supporting existing health care delivery.
Predicting outbreaks.
Social science behavioural research.
Co-ordination and sharing.
Applications will need to clearly demonstrate that there is a need for the proposed research, that the research is feasible, ethical, and that it will contribute to supporting the COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.
Research must start as soon as possible, so the findings inform the current COVID-19 response.
Applicants can be based in any country in the world and must apply as part of an established organisation. The research team should include academic and humanitarian partners, as appropriate.
Lead applicants may be a research institution, a non-profit institution or NGO, a UN agency, or a public or government institution.
There is no limit to the amount of resources that can be applied for. The size and number of grants to be awarded will depend on the quality of proposals received that are within the scope of the call.
Elrha is operating a rolling application window that will close on 4 May 2020.
A recorded webinar on the call is available to view on the elrha website.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.
RESEARCHconnect is closely monitoring all the relevant news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the consequences for the funding landscape. This dedicated page will keep you updated on which funds and extra support have been announced to counteract the impact of the outbreak.