Internet Society Foundation Research Grant Programme Supporting Global Research Collaborations
The Internet Society Foundation’s Research Grant Programme supports global research collaborations that advance understanding of the Internet and its value for all.
The programme is intended for research that is applied and open, meaning the research seeks to answer a real-world question and should be openly published and made available to the scientific community at no cost.
To be eligible for support, projects should address topics related to one of the following thematic areas:
Greening the Internet: the Internet both affects and is affected by the environment and climate change. Having a critical awareness of this impact is key to the Internet’s resilience and ensures its sustainability. This awareness may include an assessment of energy consumption by the Internet, or the toxins and waste generated by its use. It may consider the enabling effect the Internet has on other sectors to limit greenhouse gas emissions. It may examine the ways in which climate change and extreme weather threatens internet infrastructure and limits connectivity. Research focusing on ‘Greening the Internet’ should promote an awareness of these and other issues concerning the Internet’s environmental footprint and the sustainability measures needed for it and the planet to thrive.
The Internet Economy: new and emerging internet-based activities have the power to disrupt economic landscapes and lead to unpredictable economic futures. Research proposals focusing on the ‘Internet economy’ should present an analysis of past or present ecosystems that yields insight into the future of the Internet and its dependent market(s).
Future thematic areas to be launched in 2021 include The Digital Divide and A Trustworthy Internet.
Eligible applicants are independent researchers with a postgraduate research degree (PhD, Master’s) and publications/patents in the relevant area, as well as non-profit research institutions. There are no location restrictions; the opportunity is open worldwide.
One or more awards in each of the thematic areas are anticipated. Grants of up to $200,000 will be awarded for research lasting up to two years.
The application process occurs in four stages. During Stage one, the Foundation seeks statements of interest related to the thematic areas and reviews and selects ideas that will move on to stage two. Statements of Interest are currently being accepted and full proposal invitations will be issued on a rolling basis thereafter.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.