France’s Inserm to Support New Bilateral Collaborations in Life and Health Sciences

One-year funding from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) is available for early career researchers in France to initiate new bilateral collaborative projects in life and health sciences.

The Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (Inserm – National Institute of Health and Medical Research) is a public scientific and technological institute responsible for the coordination of research in life and health sciences in France.

Inserm funds international collaborations between its teams and their foreign counterparts through a range of initiatives each adapted to a specific stage of partnership maturity.

First Step Projects (Tremplin International) are intended to initiate scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between two research laboratories, one in France and one in any another country, in order to foster new international cooperation. This initiative is aimed at young researchers who wish to explore avenues for international collaboration.

Projects in any field of research within the disciplines of life and health sciences are eligible for consideration. First Step Projects must demonstrate potential for complementary expertise and are expected to lead to more in-depth collaboration.

Proposals must be led by one coordinator in France and one coordinator from another country. The French coordinator must be a permanent researcher in an Inserm laboratory and be within five years of their recruitment to Inserm or ATIP-Avenir team leader, ERC Starting Grant Fellow or Junior Professorship.

First Step Projects will each be granted a fixed amount of €10,000 for one year.

Applications to the 2023 call for proposals must be submitted by 11 September 2023 (17:00 Paris time).

Inserm expects to inform candidates of its decisions at the beginning of 2024.

(This report was the subject of a RESEARCHconnect Newsflash.)