First Horizon Europe Twinning Call Sees Significant Interest
A total of 391 applications were submitted to the first Horizon Europe Twinning call, which closed on 18 January.
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) has released application figures for the first Horizon Europe Twinning call, which closed on 18 January.
Horizon Europe Twinning activities aim to foster networking activities between research institutions in Widening countries (those with low participation rates in FP7 and H2020 projects) and leading counterparts in EU Member States or Associated Countries. Through Twinning, the selected Widening research institution will collaborate with at least two research institutions from two different EU Member States or Associated Countries.
The first Twinning call opened on 20 July 2021 and closed on 18 January 2022. In all, 391 applications were received, requesting a combined total of €555 million. A total of €149 million is available to fund an anticipated 100 projects, each worth €0.8 million to €1.5 million, meaning that just over one in four applications are likely to be successful.
The European Research Executive Agency will communicate results to applicants by mid-May 2022. The grant agreement for successful proposals will be signed by the end of August.
Twinning actions are a part of the ‘Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area’ strand of Horizon Europe, which cuts across all three main pillars of Horizon Europe. The strand aims to promote a more inclusive approach that enables all to participate and benefit from Horizon Europe.
A number of other opportunities are currently accepting applications under this strand, and can be accessed at the Commission’s Funding and Tenders portal.