Feminist Review Trust Grants: 2020 Deadlines Announced
Established in 2001, the Feminist Review Trust is a charity funded by the Feminist Review, a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that sets new agendas for feminism.
Grants are provided by the Trust to projects in any country that are within the fields of feminism and gender studies. The types of projects that can be funded are:
Projects that include a research element: The Trust rarely funds stand-alone research but will fund projects with a research element. Any research undertaken must be carried out in an ethical manner.
Dissemination: Funding is made available for the production and distribution of relevant material to increase awareness and impact.
Hard to fund projects: Projects are eligible for grants where there are no other obvious sources of funding (eg traditional academic sources are not interested in the area or it is ‘too feminist’ for most conventional funding sources).
Pump priming activities: Small amounts of funding are provided to help start an activity in the hope that it will then be able to attract sufficient funding to continue.
Interventionist projects that support feminist values: Funding is available for projects regarding core feminist concerns such as abortion rights and domestic violence.
Training and development projects: Projects that provide training in relevant areas are funded.
One-off events: Support is provided for individual events.
Core funding: The Trust is willing to offer core funding to cover staff costs, accommodation etc (except where there has been a situation of funding cuts by statutory bodies).
The Trust may fund other projects that do not easily fit into any of the above categories. Applicants are advised to contact the Trust to discuss eligibility prior to submitting an application.
Funding is available for individuals and organisations working in approved project areas in feminism and gender studies. There are no location restrictions and projects can be carried out in any country worldwide.
Grants of up to £15,000 are available, although it is very rare that such a sum is awarded. The Trust receives a very large number of applications which far outweigh the financial resources available.
The Trustees meet three times each year to consider proposals. The 2020 deadlines and decision dates have been announced as:
Round 1 deadline: 31 January 2020 (for 30 April decision)
Round 2 deadline: 30 April 2020 (for 31 July decision)
Round 3 deadline: 10 September 2020 (for 15 December decision)
These deadlines and decision dates also apply to the Trust’s Irene Bruegel Bequest.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.