ERA-MIN3 Issues Pre-Announcement of Joint Transnational Call 2023

The second joint call of ERA-MIN3 will open for applications on 7 December 2022.

The ERA-NET on Raw Materials for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy (ERA-MIN3) is a pan-European network of 24 European/non-European research funding organisations, aiming to strengthen the mineral raw materials community through the coordination of research and innovation programmes on non-fuel and non-food raw materials (metallic, construction and industrial minerals).

ERA-MIN3 has now released the preliminary details of its second joint transnational call, which will focus on needs-driven research addressing non-fuel, non-food raw materials, specifically: metallic minerals, construction materials and industrial minerals.

It is anticipated that the following countries will participate in the call:

EU countries/regions (research funding organisations):

  • Belgium-Flanders (VLAIO/FIO)
  • Belgium-Wallonia (SPW-Recherche)
  • Bulgaria (BNSF)
  • Czech Republic (TA CR)
  • Estonia (ETAg)
  • Finland (Business Finland)
  • Germany (PT JÜLICH)
  • Poland (NCBR)
  • Portugal (FCT)
  • Romania (UEFISCDI)
  • Slovakia (SAS)
  • Slovenia (MIZS)
  • Spain (AEI)
  • Sweden (Vinnova)

EU Associated country: Turkey (TUBITAK)

Non-EU countries: Canada-Québec (PRIMA-Québec) and South-Africa (DSI).

Each consortium must comprise at least three eligible independent legal entities from at least three different countries, including at least one based in a participating EU Member State or Associated Country. At least half of the partners in a consortium must belong to countries participating in the call.

Applicants not requesting funding, or not eligible for national/regional funding from countries/regions named in the call, can be partners of the consortium subject to the approval by the eligible funding organisations.

Applications will open on 7 December 2022, when the full call text and other call documents will be published. Proposals should be submitted by the 30 March 2023 deadline.

(This report was the subject of a ResearchConnect Newsflash.)