Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowships Open to Applications
Administered by the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowships programme enables biosciences and medical researchers from the Middle East to undertake a short-term visit, of between one and three months, at a research institution of their choice in the UK, and for those from the UK to visit a research institution of their choice in the Middle East.
Fellowships are aimed primarily at young scientists in the early or mid stage of their research career. Applicants can be clinical or non-clinical researchers whose research falls within the broad scope of medical or bioscience research relevant to human health.
The scheme is open to both medical and non-medical graduates with commitment to a career in research (typically holding a higher qualification such as an MD or PhD). Applicants will typically be at lecturer and/or post-doctoral level. Applicants must be either based in the UK and visiting one of these countries or intend to visit a UK institution from one of the other countries.
The countries currently covered by the programme are the UK, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, the Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories.
The Fellowship will cover airfare and a subsistence allowance for a period of up to four weeks. Funding is provided to an upper limit of £4,000 per fellowship (up to £750 of which can be used to cover the cost of airfares). For the current round, the scheme offers a small number of three month fellowships. The upper limit for these is £9,000 (up to £750 of which can be used to cover the cost of airfares).
Applications can be submitted until 1 March 2021 (4pm).
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