British Skin Foundation Research Awards Open to Applications
The British Skin Foundation (BSF) is dedicated to skin disease research, with the objective of trying to find cures and enhance understanding of a variety of skin diseases such as eczema and skin cancer, which affect people in the UK.
The Foundation invites applications for the following awards:
BSF Research Award
Research awards are available for up to £81,000 (£40,500 per year) for a maximum duration of two years. The award is available to carry out UK or Republic of Ireland based research into skin disease.
BSF Studentship Award
Studentships are for a fixed amount of £85,000 (£28,333 per year) for three years. Research Institutions seeking to fund dermatological research at a PhD Student level are eligible to apply.
BSF Fellowship Award
Fellowships have a fixed amount of £62,000 and are available for a maximum duration of one year. Fellowships are available to support a clinician at a UK or Republic of Ireland based institution.
BSF Young Investigator Award
Young Investigator Awards are available for up to £90,000 (£45,000 per year) for a maximum of two years. The Principal Investigator must be a scientist or clinical academic no more than 10 years into their postdoctoral research career.
Applicants must be carrying out UK or Republic of Ireland based research and must be able to demonstrate the value of their project to dermatology.
Applications should be submitted by the deadline of 26 August 2019.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.