Applications Open for SMA Europe Research Projects
SMA Europe is an umbrella organisation for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) patient- and research-focused organisations across Europe. The overall goal of SMA-Europe is to help the dedicated international scientific and medical community in its search for therapies for SMA.
SMA Europe holds an annual call for proposals for projects aimed at finding a therapy for SMA or researching the basic pathophysiological pathways of the disease. Preference is generally given to projects that have the greatest potential to overcome barriers to translation of advances in basic science and to accelerate the identification of effective treatments.
Priority will be given to projects concentrating on the following areas:
Understanding and Function of the SMN Complex and possibly other factors, independent of SMN, as it relates to the pathophysiology of SMA.
Innovative Approaches for Therapy of SMA, including targeting non-SMN pathways.
Projects addressing bottlenecks impairing rapid translation from basic research to clinical trials, including:
Innovative outcome measures and endpoints.
Appropriate methodology to follow disease progression and treatment effect.
The Natural History of SMA.
Two types of grants are available – Operating Grants and Postdoctoral Fellowships – to fund projects for up to two years. Funding for a second year will be contingent on the delivery of a detailed and satisfactory annual report for consideration by members of the SMA-Europe Scientific Advisory Board.
There are no specific limitations on standard operating grants but grants will usually not exceed €150,000 (or equivalent). Grants for part or joint funding of a clinical trial may be made at a higher level. Grants for postdoctoral fellowships must be within Continental European norms.
For operating grants, the Principal Investigator must:
Be a professional or faculty member at an appropriate educational, medical or research institution or SME (small or medium enterprise) biotech and be qualified to conduct and supervise a programme of original research.
Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project.
Hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science or equivalent degree.
Have a track record of collaboration with others.
For postdoctoral fellowships, applicants must:
Be a member of a research team in the laboratory of a senior investigator under whose guidance the applicant will conduct the research project.
Hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science or equivalent degree and demonstrate an intended commitment to SMA research in the long term.
Applications should be submitted via the online portal by the 3 April 2019 deadline.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.